Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Crooked Creek Baptist hosts African Conference

You are invited to join the members of Grace Tabernacle, a Congolese church using CCBC's building for an evening of testimony, worship, and authentic Congolese dining on Saturday, April 19 beginning at 5:00 p.m.  The evening will feature a series of testimonies from African refugees detailing their struggle to escape violence and discrimination as God has led them to this new world of the United States.  The service will also feature music from a combined choir of several different African churches singing in a variety of languages.

The testimony will be in English and is part of this community's outreach to the people of the nation they now call home!  Following the service we will adjourn downstairs to our Fellowship Hall where an authentic Congolese meal will be served!

For more information or to let us know you plan to join us, feel free to call the church office at 317-251-7804 or contact Pastor Emmanuel Musinga of Grace Tabernacle directly at

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